
Tomáš Sedláček's picture This is an outdated photo of me (2018).

About me - Professional

I am a freelance developer/student. My skills include the C programming language. I enjoy programming in C very much, and I respect the impact it has had on programming. However, I do not use it that much nowadays. I feel like it still has its place in embedded development, but it is not the best tool for everything. Some other languages provide almost the same level of performance while incorporating more modern approaches. The most notable ones are C++, Go language and Rust.

Out of the three mentioned, I am mainly interested in Rust, as it is memory safe language with an enormously powerful compiler. The language is suitable for many applications. From high-performance services/modules/libraries to developing backends for web applications, or even desktop applications that use HTML, CSS and Javascript (which is possible thanks to the Tauri framework).

Lately, I have been focusing on building websites and web apps. I am familiar with HTML, CSS, Javascript / Typescript (although I prefer the latter), Node.js and React.js. I am currently learning more about advanced technologies, which power the web. More web projects are on their way to my Github profile, which will showcase my expertise and progress in this area.

From 2022, I will also be a seminar tutor for a subject called "Modern Markup Languages and Their Applications" (the name is due to change to "Fundaments of Full-Stack Development"). This course focuses on teaching basics and also advanced topics of full-stack development. Taught topics are XML, HTML, CSS, Javascript and Typescript, Docker (+ YAML) and containerization, full-stack architecture principles, Node.js, correct database design principles, React (and how most frontend frameworks work) and GraphQL. The subject also briefly touches on CI/CD, automated testing, code reviews, Git proficiency and much more.

I am also proficient in Python, although it has been a while since I have used it extensively. Overall I can understand and write Python code quite well.