
My setup - Student Budget edition

I am a student with little to no money to waste. With that said, my setup is always very intentionally picked. Without a further ado, this is my setup I use to develop.


My notebook of choice is Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 Onyx Black. The parameters I chose were extremely good for the price, when this configuration was available for purchase.

The only downside to this notebook is the battery life. On Windows, you could technically get up to 5 hours of mileage, given that the tasks you are doing are super lightweight. However, I am using Ubuntu and I often connect to HDMI with the notebook. For that reason, I am always using the dedicated graphics card which is connected to the HDMI port directly. If I use the integrated graphics card, I experience screen tearing when the notebook lid is closed. This greatly affects the battery life though, so I usually get about two to three hours of work on battery.

Peripherals & Accessories

Operating System

I generally use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Until recently I have been distro hopping a lot. When it came to Ubuntu, I just needed an operating system that would finally work well with NVIDIA drivers. After a bit of tweaking, I can say I am very pleased about the performance and overall feel of the system. One day, I will try either Arch based distro or Arch itself. And one day, I will probably even try to dig into Gentoo. Maybe one day...